
The auction is now open for deposits. You can view the list of items for sale by visiting 5/20/2024 Tax Sale or by clicking on the sales listed in the Auction Schedule.

Important Dates:

  • April 19: Auction items are available to review; Deposits are being accepted
  • May 9: Deposit deadline - no later than 5:00pm PT
  • May 17: Bidding opens at 8:00 am PT
  • May 20, 21 and 22: Auction items will close starting at 8:00 am PT in 15-minute intervals

New users - Click Register for a User ID at no cost, at any time. You must have a User ID to download the auction list & use search tools. See Tax Sale Instructions for FAQs



Grant Street Group (GSG) is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information displayed on the Web Site that was obtained from third parties, including, but not limited to, the San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector. Since certain computations performed by software applications run on the Web Site are based upon such information, there can be no assurance that any such derived data is accurate. Users of the Web Site rely upon the accuracy of any information displayed at their own risk. GSG will not be liable for any harm, financial or otherwise, that may befall users who act in reliance on such information.